What's New

• Feb.05, 2025: Hotel Information page.  NEW! 
• Jan.16, 2025: Abstract submission deadline has been extended to January 31, 2025.
• Jan.10, 2024: Plenary Lectures page.
• Nov.29, 2024: Submission of abstract opened. See Abstract Submission page.
• Aug.28, 2024: Registration page.
• Aug.23, 2024: 2nd Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) and Data Assimilation (DA) challenges page.
• June08, 2024: Website open.


The 16th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV 2025) will be held at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center in Tokyo, Japan, June 26-28, 2025. This event is scheduled immediately following the 21st International Symposium on Flow Visualization at the same venue.

ISPIV, a series of biennial particle image velocimetry (PIV) symposia, began as international workshops in Fukui, Japan in 1995 and 1997. Since then, the series has evolved into international symposia held in various locations around the world, including Santa Barbara, USA (1999); Goettingen, Germany (2001); Busan, Korea (2003, 2017); Pasadena, USA (2005); Rome, Italy (2007); Melbourne, Australia (2009); Kobe, Japan (2011); Delft, The Netherlands (2013); Santa Barbara, USA (2015); Busan, Korea (2017); Munich, Germany (2019); Chicago, USA (2021, virtual); and San Diego, USA (2023). Over the decades, these symposia have become the premier forums for sharing the latest developments and applications of PIV. Since its inception in 1984 (Adrian 1984 in Appl. Opt.), PIV has become the dominant experimental method in fluid dynamics research.

The 16th edition of ISPIV, scheduled for 2025, will continue the tradition of bringing together leading scientists, researchers, developers and users of PIV from around the world. This meeting will focus on the latest innovative developments and applications of PIV with the goal of advancing the state of the art in PIV theory, technology and practice. The symposium will also include the presentation of the ISPIV Ronald J. Adrian Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of PIV. The award ceremony will include the presentation of the RJ Adrian Award, followed by an award lecture.

Event Schedule

Date ISFVISPIVAssociated Events (tentative)
21st SatRegistration
22nd SunTech Sessions
23rd MonTech Sessions
24th TueTech Sessions
25th WedClosingReception2nd Challenge on LPT and DA
• Master of Visualization (Tentative)
26th ThuTech Sessions
27th FriTech Sessions
28th SatTech Sessions

Important Dates

Abstract submission January 17 January 31, 2025
Acceptance notification March 28, 2025
Final paper submission May 9, 2025


At ISPIV 2025, the following research topics will be discussed at the symposium:

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact the ISPIV 2025 team: info@ispiv2025.org